Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Importance of Business Etiquettes

Etiquettes represent the fundamental elements of any culture. They tell you what you are expected to do and say in certain circumstances. Business etiquettes can be defined as the expected behavior you are required to exhibit in a business/social environment. They can range from knowing how to behave in a meeting and greeting your co-workers or bosses to dealing with clients and employees. Simply put, etiquette is about creating a comfortable environment for both parties involved.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Engineering is a craft in this day and age!

The revolution of technology has come about with the advent of time. The engineering discipline has benefited a great deal from how science and technology has moved along. Concentrating solely on engineering, this is unquestionably a craft that has changed the global landscape and that too in a number of creative ways.

The International Day of Engineers is celebrated on 15th September every year. This is a day that marks immense growth and progress shown by engineers within their respective fields, be it Civil Engineering, Aerodynamic Engineering or any other.