Saturday, November 24, 2012

Benefit from Midtown University's Student Consultancy Services!

Midtown University strives to make your student experience enjoyable, rewarding and productive. To provide you exceptional and 24 hours support, the University provides professional and valuable Student Counseling and Consultancy Services. These services are provided to all the currently enrolled and prospective undergraduate and graduate students. Through these counseling and consultancy services, the University tries to develop the students personally and professionally while creating more personal awareness and skills needed to face the professional world. The Counseling and Consultancy experts share the ways with students that allow them to take the full use of the educational opportunities presented by the University.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jobs that Lead to High Job Satisfaction

Are you completely happy with the job you have been doing or you totally hate it but are forced to do it because of a number of reasons. At one point or the other we meet someone who is totally discontented with his job. The reasons for job dissatisfaction can be varied e.g. low salary, limited growth opportunities, irregular hours, annoying supervisor etc. Doing a job you don’t like can be tough- you have to force yourself to go to work each day. A simple work becomes burdensome and time-consuming and you look at the clock again and again until it is the time to leave. However, it is quite surprising to know that people who hate their job are in small number as compared to people who truly love their jobs and are satisfied with their careers. According to a recent study by University of Chicago, more than three-quarter of employees are happy with their present jobs.