Friday, October 4, 2013

Most Wanted Online Bachelor Degrees for 2014

New Year is only a few months away, and the world of education is all abuzz right now with annual exams and fresh graduates planning for admissions in colleges and universities. Amid all this excitement, students and their parents are more concerned about choosing the right degree program for the new year.

Midtown University’s faculty and alumni are also engaged in the process of mentoring new students in regard to the selection of their programs because a degree is not just a piece of paper but a tool that will pave the way for a promising career. Selecting a degree program which is not in demand in the corporate market can become a bottleneck for the students. Midtown University feels an obligation to convey the latest degree trends to the student body so they are able to decide a field of interest to pursue for the year 2014.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Top 6 Things NOT to do in Your Job Search

The current job market is one filled with cut-throat competition; with the economy’s sluggish recovery, only the best are able to secure good, well-paying jobs that are satisfying and that help boost their careers. Circumstances such as these beg the question whether solid academic credentials and a fair amount of work experience are enough to make an impact in the corporate world.

With the unemployment rate standing at a fairly strong 7.5%, it is evident that there are significant factors that are often overlooked by job seekers when applying for a job. If you are currently looking for a job and are committing the following job search mistakes, it is time to hone your approach.